
Alexander Evans

Alexander Evans


  • The Heart Of The Matter

    India wants Kashmir militancy ended; Pakistan fears the triumph of the status quo that would follow if it did. Neither India nor Pakistan are likely to get what they want. <br> <a href=submain1.asp?mode=25&refer=4533 target=_blank> Free Speech: What

    BY Alexander Evans 20 January 2002

  • Can An LoC Deal Be Sold?

    As a <i>proposal</i> <a href="full.asp?sid=1&fodname=20010611&fname=Cover+Story+%28F%29" target="_blank">Kashmir: A Framework For Peace </a> is fine, but any <i>solution </i>needs more than a passing nod in the direction of the status-quo.

    BY Alexander Evans 12 June 2001

