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MenoHarmony Reviews - Is Meno Harmony Menopause Supplement Legit For Women?

MenoHarmony is a natural supplement that offers a solution to menopausal symptoms in older women. The research-backed ingredients found in MenoHarmony work in perfect synergy with each other to flip your estrogen switch naturally.


Women go through different and long periods of hormonal changes all throughout their lives. One such change is menopause which hampers the daily routine of millions of women across the globe. Menopause can make you cranky and irritated and get you to experience hot fiery flashes out of nowhere.?

If you want to fight menopause and its symptoms to get full control over your health and emotions,?you can choose?MenoHarmony?for yourself. It uses an advanced formulation of proven ingredients to optimize the production of estrogen in your body. Estrogen is responsible for mood swings, libido drive, confidence, and emotional episodes.?

MenoHarmony?uses natural and patented ingredients like?HMRlignan? (an antioxidant that can support cognitive functions),?Diindolylmethane?(supports optimal estrogen levels in the body), KSM-66? (Ashwagandha, an?ayurvedic?medicine that has therapeutic benefits), black cohosh extract, and chaste tree extract.?

Before you find out about?MenoHarmony?in detail, let’s go through the summary of this supplement in the following table.?

Product Overview?




Dietary Supplement?

Product Form?


Serving Quantity?

Each?MenoHarmony?bottle contains 60 capsules?

Serving Size?

You need to take two capsules in the morning with a glass of water?

Key Characteristics?

  • 100% natural formula?

  • Stimulant-free?

  • Chemical-free?

  • Soy-free?

  • Gluten-free?

  • Vegan-friendly?

  • Non-GMO?

  • Non-habit forming?

  • Manufactured in an FDA-approved facility that complies with GMP guidelines?

  • Made in the USA?


  • HMRlignan??

  • Diindolylmethane?

  • KSM-66??

  • Black Cohosh Extract?

  • Chaste Tree Extract?


  • Promotes optimal estrogen levels?

  • Balances hormone production naturally?

  • Improves your libido and drive?

  • Provides youthful energy?

  • Boosts immunity?

  • Supports healthy weight loss?

  • Balances mood levels.?

Bonus Products?



Starts at $49 (Order from official website)?

Money-back Guarantee?

90-day money-back guarantee.?

About The Makers?

The formula of?MenoHarmony?was created by Doris?Bonnstetter?from Phoenix, Arizona. She came up with the formula of?MenoHarmony?when she was going through a personal crisis which led her to think about how to resolve hot fiery flashes in a natural way. She went to Harvard Medical School and traveled all the way to Finland?to find a remarkable breakthrough which is?MenoHarmony.?

How Does?MenoHarmony?Work??

MenoHarmony?is a natural supplement that offers a solution to menopausal symptoms in older women. The research-backed ingredients found in?MenoHarmony?work in perfect synergy with each other to flip your estrogen switch naturally. You don’t have to undergo?dangerous hormone therapy with?MenoHarmony?by your side.?

When you consume this supplement daily, you experience fewer menopausal symptoms like poor arousal drive, mood swings, obesity, excessive sweating, hot fiery flashes, and other awful things that make you feel bad about yourself.?

MenoHarmony?can help you regain control over how you think and how you react to situations. It can keep you motivated and your spirits high so that you don’t lose your temper easily. It can also balance your mood and elevate?your confidence so that you can enjoy your life with your partner.?

What Are The Natural Ingredients In?MenoHarmony??

MenoHarmony?contains several natural ingredients and chemical components that have been proven to help you lose weight. Here is an overview?of these ingredients:?


Diindolylmethane?(DIM) is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. It is formed when the body breaks down indole-3-carbinol, another compound found in these vegetables. DIM works by helping to balance estrogen levels in the body. This is especially important during menopause when estrogen production decreases and can lead to symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.?


HMRlignan? is a patented, natural dietary ingredient in?MenoHarmony?that helps to balance estrogen levels in women. It is derived from the Norway spruce tree and contains a unique form of?lignan?called 7-hydroxymatairesinol (HMR).?HMRlignan? has been clinically proven to help reduce the risk?of hormone-related conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).?

HMRlignan? works by binding to estrogen receptors in the body and blocking excess estrogen from attaching to them. This helps to maintain healthy levels?of estrogen in the body, which can help reduce symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances. Additionally,?HMRlignan? has been shown to increase the hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels, which helps regulate hormones in both men and women.?


KSM-66?is an?ashwagandha?extract that is derived from the roots of the?Withania?somnifera?plant. It is a full-spectrum extract, meaning it contains all of the active components found in the plant. KSM-66 has been clinically studied and proven to be effective in promoting hormonal balance in women going through menopause.?

KSM-66 is formulated using a proprietary extraction process that uses only natural ingredients and no solvents or chemicals.?

This process ensures that the extract retains its potency and efficacy?while also eliminating any potential contaminants. The extract is then tested for purity and potency.?

KSM-66 helps promote hormonal balance in women going through menopause by reducing stress levels, which can help reduce symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and insomnia.?

Chaste Tree Extract?

Chaste Tree Extract is derived from the chaste tree, which is native to the Mediterranean region and has been used in traditional medicine for many years. Chaste Tree Extract contains compounds called flavonoids, which are believed to interact with hormones in the body and help regulate their levels.?

Studies have shown that taking Chaste Tree Extract can help reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and menopause, as well as improve fertility in women. Additionally, it may also be beneficial for reducing hot flashes and night sweats associated with menopause.?

Black Cohosh Extract?

Black Cohosh Extract is a popular herbal remedy derived from the root of the black cohosh plant. It has been used for centuries to help treat a variety of conditions, including menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.?

Studies have found that taking Black Cohosh Extract can help reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes, as well as improve mood and sleep quality in postmenopausal women. Additionally, it may also help balance estrogen levels in the body, which can help reduce other menopause symptoms such as dryness and irregular periods.?

What Are The Health Benefits Of Consuming?MenoHarmony?Daily??

MenoHarmony?has been deemed the?best menopausal product on the market right now?because it has delivered solid results and appeased thousands of women.?

MenoHarmony?is a remarkable supplement that uses clinically proven ingredients in its formulation. These ingredients are rich in antioxidants that help provide so many health benefits to regular users. Let’s take a look at them now.?

Balances Your Hormones Naturally?

MenoHarmony?uses trademarked and natural ingredients to balance the production of estrogen in your body. When menopause hits you, it is because estrogen production is disrupted in your body. Estrogen is one of the most important female?hormones that control many aspects of a woman’s life.?

It is necessary to reset the switch of estrogen so that you don’t experience awful menopausal symptoms that hamper your entire well-being.?

Helps Regain Your Libido and Drive?

By balancing estrogen production in your body,?MenoHarmony?helps you to regain your youthful libido boost and drive. When you go through menopause, you lose your youthful charisma and libido drive to declining estrogen levels.?

MenoHarmony?helps you by resetting your estrogen levels so that you can enjoy yourself with your partner in the?bedroom again.?

Experience High Energy Levels?

When you go through menopause, you feel fatigued and worn out the entire time, which makes you cranky.?

MenoHarmony?is rich in nutrients and antioxidants that deliver several health benefits to your body. This supplement can boost your metabolism by balancing hormone production so that you experience high energy levels throughout the day.?

Boosts Mood Levels?

MenoHarmony?has been formulated by an expert to flip off your estrogen switch using natural ingredients that are easily absorbed by your body. These ingredients work in sync with each other to boost your mood so that you remain confident and happy for most of the day.?

When your mood levels are appropriate, you experience less stress and anxiety. This helps you?sleep better and wake up rejuvenated to get on with life.?

Supports Healthy Weight Loss?

One of the main symptoms of?MenoHarmony?is weight gain. And as we all know, obesity comes with its fair share of problems. This is why you need a proper solution to menopause and its symptoms that disrupt your daily routine extensively.?

MenoHarmony?can help reduce your appetite by providing you with a ‘full’ feeling so that you consume fewer calories. This supplement can support healthy weight loss in your body so that you enjoy a slim and sleek figure.?

What Is The Scientific Evidence Backing?MenoHarmony??

Here is how science backs?MenoHarmony?for balancing out hormones in a woman’s body during the onset of menopause:?

Recent research done on KSM-66 suggests that it may be beneficial for managing menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes due to its ability to modulate cortisol levels. This is a hormone responsible for regulating bodily energy levels but associated with increased stress responses when secreted in excess amounts?during periods of excessive fatigue or distressful events in?the life of which menopausal changes certainly fall under the category requiring gentle support measures such as supplementation with?ashwagandha?root extracts like KSM-66?!?

A study published in?“Maturitas” in 2005 explored the effects of black cohosh extract on hormone levels in post-menopausal women. The results showed that it was able to reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes while also providing an increase in circulating estradiol (a female?hormone).?

The researchers concluded that black cohosh might help balance hormonal production during menopause by increasing estradiol levels and reducing symptoms associated with decreased estrogen levels.?

Another study published in “The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine” suggested it could be effective at relieving hot flash frequency and severity when combined with lifestyle modifications such as diet, exercise, and yoga. The study's authors suggest chaste tree extract might work?by stimulating dopamine receptors in the brain that control the body's temperature regulation system.?

What Is The Price Of?MenoHarmony??

MenoHarmony?is a reasonably priced dietary supplement that contains nothing but natural ingredients in its composition. One bottle of?MenoHarmony?costs $49 on its official website.?You can also get this supplement at discounted prices if you decide to buy it in bulk.?

If you get three bottles of?MenoHarmony?together, you can get one for $44 only whereas if you purchase six bottles of the supplement together, you can get one for $39 only. Both these orders have the benefit of free shipping.?


Money-Back Guarantee?

MenoHarmony?is a popular natural product that has helped several women tackle the symptoms of menopause. However, it might be so that?MenoHarmony?does not work for you because of your body’s tolerance or absorption of nutrients. In such a case, you can avail yourself of the 90-day iron-clad money-back guarantee that?comes with?MenoHarmony.?

How To Consume?MenoHarmony??

Each bottle of?MenoHarmony?contains 60 capsules which should last you for a month. You need to take two capsules of?MenoHarmony?every morning with a glass of water. Taking this supplement in the morning can help you get up and running right in the morning so that you can remain in high spirits all throughout the day.?

When you take this supplement in the instructed dosage, you align your hormones in an intended manner where your mood swings and hot flashes reduce to a bare minimum. That’s why you should not adjust the dosage of the supplement yourself. Always talk to the doctor before making any such decisions.?

What Are The Pros And Cons Of?MenoHarmony??

Women nearing or going through menopause usually don’t have many options that can get them to sail through this stage smoothly.?MenoHarmony?is a hope for such women. Here?are the pros of this supplement.?

  • MenoHarmony?is free from soy, gluten, GMOs, heavy metals, dairy, sugar, stimulants, and chemicals.?

  • This supplement is non-habit forming and convenient to use.?

  • The production of?MenoHarmony?takes place in an FDA-approved facility that complies with GMP safety standards?

  • MenoHarmony?is backed by a 90-day money-back guarantee?

  • The formula of?MenoHarmony?has been prepared after extensive research?

  • There are many positive?MenoHarmony?reviews online.?

What Are Users Saying In Their?MenoHarmony?Reviews??

Menopause is a stage that can make women feel awful about themselves and everything else around them.?MenoHarmony?has helped these women overcome the most exhausting period of their lives with the help of a proven formula. Many women have expressed their happiness with this supplement in their?MenoHarmony?reviews online.?

Our team went through several?MenoHarmony?reviews to find out what the women had in mind about this supplement. This is what we found.?

Amy, in her?MenoHarmony?review, says, “After going through menopause, I didn’t feel like dating. I just didn’t feel worthy, so I decided to try?Menoharomy. After taking it for 2 weeks, I started to feel like my old self, almost like I felt like I had reloaded my life! I recently met a wonderful man, and life couldn’t be better, all thanks to?Menoharmony.”?

One of the other?MenoHarmony?reviews reads, “I have my metabolism in check and have lost a few pounds. My mood and energy are on par and I feel I have more mental clarity. Great product!”?

Another user, Mandy, shares, “I don’t feel as stressed or irritated. I’m just doing more stuff, my hormones are more balanced. I feel like I found my life again.”?

Comparing?MenoHarmony?With Its Competitors?

MenoHarmony?is not the only product on the market that helps women get control over menopausal symptoms. There are other products that promise to do the same and help women?get their youthful energy back. Let’s see what differentiates?MenoHarmony?from this lot or whether?it is better than the others or not.?

MenoHarmony?Vs. NOW Menopause Support?

MenoHarmony?provides a 90-day money-back guarantee, whereas NOW Menopause Support provides only a 30-day money-back guarantee which means users have less time to return this product. NOW Menopause Support does not provide free shipping on its orders, whereas?MenoHarmony?provides free shipping on bulk orders.?

Also, it is unsure whether NOW Menopause Support is produced in an FDA-approved facility which is the case with?MenoHarmony.?


Amberen?has not received many positive reviews from users online. Its online rating ranges from 1-3 stars mainly. Users have reported getting many side effects from its daily usage. Also, the formula of?Amberen?does not contain any herbal extracts in its formulation.?

On the other hand,?MenoHarmony?has received great reviews from women all over the world and contains proven herbal ingredients in its formulation to support your well-being.?


EstroSense?is a dietary supplement that provides a 30-day money-back guarantee, whereas?MenoHarmony?is backed by a whopping 90-day money-back guarantee.?

The ingredients of?EstroSense?are not discussed at length on its official website, whereas you can find minute information on every ingredient found in the formula of?MenoHarmony.?

Frequently Answered Questions?

MenoHarmony?is a new product for many women out there. As a result, they are filled with questions regarding the same. Our team has answered the most burning questions related to?MenoHarmony?to help women better understand it.?

What Is Menopause??

Menopause is a natural part of aging that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years. It typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, when a woman’s ovaries stop producing eggs, and her body stops?making estrogen and progesterone, two hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle.?

During menopause, women may experience physical and emotional symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, dryness, and difficulty sleeping. While these symptoms?can be uncomfortable or disruptive to daily life, several ingredients can help balance estrogen levels during menopause.?

Who Needs?MenoHarmony??

MenoHarmony?is for women going through menopausal symptoms. It can help balance hormone production in them so that their symptoms reduce and they can lead a stress-free life.?

What Makes?MenoHarmony?Safe For Everyday Consumption??

MenoHarmony?is produced in an FDA-approved facility and is regularly tested for impurities or harmful substances. Since this supplement is?made of 100% natural and proven ingredients, it is safe for daily consumption.?

Where Can You Find?MenoHarmony??

You can find?MenoHarmony?only on its official website. This supplement is not available on even the leading e-commerce websites.?

Is Ordering?MenoHarmony?Safe From Its Official Website Safe??

The official website of?MenoHarmony?has the latest 256-bit encryption to ensure your privacy. This means all your information remains safe and secure on this website.?

How Many Bottles Of?MenoHarmony?Should You Order At Once??

It is safe to order three or six bottles of the supplement together at once. You can also get these orders at discounted prices.?

Final Verdict?

MenoHarmony?is a natural product that can help women get through menopausal symptoms. You don’t need to subject yourself to harmful synthetic products or syringes in order to correct hormonal balance in your body.?MenoHarmony?can do the same for you without even inducing any side effects.?

There is no point in suffering unnecessarily because of things nature has planned for you. The best you can do is minimize its effects and get through it in as little pain as possible.?MenoHarmony?can help you go down that road. So, take a leap with this supplement and leave?MenoHarmony?reviews online to let everyone know how this supplement works.?


Affiliate Disclosure:?

The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.?


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.?

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