
Making A Difference

'Uncover The Truth Of Musharraf, The Traitor And The Killer Of Muslims'

Extracts from the message purported to have been issued by Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian No.2 to Osama bin Laden in his Al Qaeda and International Islamic Front (IIF), telecast by the Al Jazeera TV station of Qatar on March 25,2004.

'Uncover The Truth Of Musharraf, The Traitor And The Killer Of Muslims'

In this message, I would like to clarify a number of facts, which the crusader-Jewish alliance - led byBush, the [flag-]bearer of the crusade, who is backed by his aides, the servants of the crusaders and Jews,spearheaded by the traitor Pervez Musharraf - are trying to hide.

The first fact is that the frenzied crusader-Zionist campaign in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Chechnyabasically targets Pakistan. This is because the United States does not want Pakistan to be a significant?power in Central Asia. Pakistan is a Muslim nation. America, backed by the Jews, is determined to defeat theMuslim nation and make it surrender to their new world order.

After Musharraf played his dirty role in shedding the blood of thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan, theAmericans began to give him more tasks, most important of which is the destruction of Pakistan.??Every Muslim in Pakistan must strive to topple this agent government, which will continue to surrender to theAmericans until it destroys Pakistan and helps the Indians control it.To this end, he has drawn up severalwicked plans, chief among which is strangling jihad in Kashmir and gradually giving up demanding Kashmir'sright to achieve independence from India.

Another plan is to paralyse the Pakistani nuclear programme to enable the Americans to get acquainted withall its secrets, which will inevitably go to Israeli intelligence and, then, to Indian intelligence.

The third fact is that Musharraf seeks to stab the mujahid Islamic resistance in Afghanistan in the back.

The Muslim Pakistani people have extended a helping hand to their brethren the Afghan mujahidin and theirsupporters, including Arabs, Uzbek, Turks, Chechens, and Muslims from other nationalities.

The Pashtun tribes - which are free and lofty and which conquered India and defeated the British and theRussians - have given and still give the biggest support for the mujahidin in Afghanistan.They were assistedin this honourable duty by the dear and kind Baluch tribes, which had sent heroes to support Islam.Therefore,America commissioned Musharraf with the task of taking revenge on the border tribes.So he began demolishinghomes, making arrests, and killing innocent people in markets...

I appeal to the Muslim Pakistani people to unite under the banner of Islam and to firmly demand theimplementation of the shari'ah law.Every Muslim in Pakistan must strive to topple this agent government, whichwill continue to surrender to the Americans until it destroys Pakistan and helps the Indians control it.Iappeal to the Pashtun and Baluch tribes on both sides of the border to champion the cause of God and Hismessenger and not to betray the history of their great ancestors.? They must uncover the truth ofMusharraf, the traitor and the killer of Muslims

I also appeal to the Pakistani army and say to it: O poor army, in what miserable situation did Musharrafput you? The Indians are in front of you and behind you in Afghanistan. Musharraf is destroying your naturalshield; namely, the border tribes, by preoccupying you with fighting them. At the same time, he deprives youof your nuclear weapon. So, will you remain silent until Pakistan is divided again and until Pakistan fallsdown...?

I call on the ulema in Pakistan to do their duty, which God imposed on them. They must uncover the truth ofMusharraf, the traitor and the killer of Muslims. They must encourage? the nation to carry out jihad toexpel the crusaders from Afghanistan and? explain to Muslims that it is prohibited to collaborate withthe crusaders and Jews...

O Muslims in Pakistan and Afghanistan, O Muslim nation everywhere, stand fast, be patient, exerciseperseverance, and remember Almighty God's words: Those who believe, fight in the cause of Allah, and those whoreject faith, fight in the cause of evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is thecunning of Satan.
