"...Muslim brothers everywhere: peace be upon you and the mercy of Allahand His blessings. The first thing that I want to talk to you about is the thirdanniversary of the American invasion of Iraq. We praise Allah that three yearsafter the Crusader invasion of Iraq, America, Britain and their allies haveachieved nothing but losses, disasters and misfortunes. They have becomeembroiled in Iraq in an unenviable way, despite Bush and Blair's continuouslying. And these losses and misfortunes only happened with the sacrifices of theMujahideen and their enthusiasm for death in Allah's path. The group Qaidaal-Jihad in the Land of the Two Rivers alone has carried out 800 martyrdomoperations in 3 years, besides the sacrifices of the other Mujahideen, and thisis what has broken the back of America in Iraq..."
To The People Of Pakistan
"... The fourth of these woes is Musharraf's recognition of Israel, to psychologically prepare the Pakistanis to recognize a Hindu state in Kashmir ... "
"...The sacrifices of the heroic Mujahideen have also exposed the totalinconsistency of Western doctrine, and perhaps this moral and material defeat ofthe Western Crusade will motivate the West to review its ideological system inits entirety, if it desires the facts or hopes for salvation."
"And just as the heroic Mujahideen's sacrifices have defeated theCrusader alliance morally and materially, they have also exposed the faction oftraitors falsely associated with the Muslims, these traitors who made pacts withthe Crusaders before, during and after the invasion, and prevented the Jihadagainst the occupation, and helped to establish it in Iraq, and promised it thatthey will be loyal guards of its interests after it leaves; they are traitors,even if they dress like the Muslims or have the same names; they are traitors,even if their beards are long and turbans great; they are traitors, even if theyclaim noble descent or a connection with the unseen or any other kind ofcharlatanism and superstition; they are traitors, and Allah, and His Messenger,and his righteous Companions, and pure People of his House, and the IslamicUmmah are innocent of them one and all. How can they claim affiliation to Islamwhen the Lord of Glory has given a verdict about them in His Book, saying, 'O yewho believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends andprotectors: they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongstyou that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily, Allah guideth not apeople unjust.' Al-Maidah 5:51"
"Those who are in Iraq, and those affiliated to the clan of Hashim inJordan, and their peers on the Arabian Peninsula, those who permit therecognition of Israel and making peace with it, and those like them in Egypt,who help France against the veiled Muslim women and receive the Israeliambassador in noble al-Azhar and hand over Wafa Qistintin for torture in thedungeons of the monasteries: all of them are traitors, and the Muslim Ummah mustconfront them, lest they stab it from behind while it is exposing its chest tothe rockets and bullets of the enemies."
"As for the second thing I wish to talk to you about, it is the darkfate towards which the traitor Musharraf is pushing Pakistan. Without a doubt,Pakistan is one of the most important of the countries targeted by this newcolonialist Crusade which seeks to weaken Pakistan and fragment it into entitiesunder the control of India, which is allied with the Americans and Jews."
"And here I wish to clarify an extremely important point, which is thatthe anti-Islamic American/Crusader/Zionist plan has no place for the presence ofPakistan as a strong, powerful, able state in South Asia, because this plandoesn't forgive Pakistan for separating from India in the name of Islam, anddoesn't forgive it for including the largest Islamic schools with wide influenceamong the Muslims of South and Central Asia, and doesn't forgive it for theflourishing of the popular Jihadi movements in it against the Indians in Kashmirand first the Russians and then the Americans in Afghanistan, and doesn'tforgive it the favorable response of its people, scholars, students, Mujahideenand tribes to the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan – since its founding and tothis very day – and to its Amir the lion of Islam Mulla Muhammad Umar, mayAllah protect him, and doesn't forgive it its overwhelming public sympathy forthe call of Shaykh Usama bin Ladin for Jihad to expel the Americans and Jewsfrom the holy places of the Muslims and their homes."
"In this context, India appears to be the best candidate to implementthe Zionist/Crusader plan to humiliate Pakistan and weaken it and tear it apart.And Bush's recent visit to Pakistan at the beginning of March was one of thebiggest pieces of evidence of that, as he gave a strong push to India's nuclearprogram while handing out orders and instructions in Pakistan. And I will reviewwith you in brief just a few of the many woes and misfortunes which Musharrafand his supporters have brought upon Pakistan."
"The first of these woes is Musharraf's combating of Islam in Pakistan.With an order from the Crusaders, he provided all the backing needed to expelthe Islamic Emirate from Kabul. And he has made war on the Islamic schools, andis seeking to review the Hudood Act, in addition to inventing – with Crusaderguidance – a new Qadiani creed which invites the people to an Islam withoutJihad and without enjoining of good and prohibition of evil and withoutobservation of the rules of the Shari'ah, which he calls 'EnlightenedModeration.'"
"The second of these woes is Musharraf's threat to Pakistani nationalsecurity. Musharraf was the primary backer of the ouster of the Islamic Emiratefrom Kabul, and was the primary reason for the establishment of a government inKabul allied to America and India and hostile to Pakistan. And as a result ofMusharraf's betrayal, Indian intelligence has crept close to the Pakistan-Afghanborder and opened its consulates in the cities adjacent to Pakistan. And thePakistani Army, with the exit of the Taliban government from Kabul, became adouble loser: first, the Pakistani Army lost the strategic depth whichAfghanistan, with its highlands and mountains, can offer it in anyPakistani-Indian confrontation. And second, the Pakistani Army's back becameexposed to a regime hostile to it and allied with its enemies. And if you add tothis India's success in exploiting air bases in Tajikistan and its seekingmilitary cooperation with the Central Asian states, you will realize the extentof the predicament which the Pakistani Army has gotten itself into."
"And Musharraf is the one who placed the Pakistani nuclear program underAmerican – and hence Jewish and Indian – supervision. Musharraf exploitedAmerica's accusation of Abdul Qadeer Khan to impose its surveillance upon thePakistani nuclear program. And then is it credible that Abdul Qadeer Khan wasoutside the surveillance of Pakistani military intelligence? Thus, the firstones who should be brought to trial in the case of Abdul Qadeer Khan are theleaders of the Pakistani Army and intelligence. But Abdul Qadeer Khan was usedas a scapegoat to please America."
"And Musharraf is the one who is fanning the flames of civil war inPakistan on behalf of America, in Waziristan and Baluchistan, in a bloodyconflict whose losses have no end, and which will only rebound on Pakistan withthe worst of damages. The worst thing any army in the world could wish for isthat it be assigned to defend the borders of its country at a time when it isembroiled in an internal civil war. Pakistani memory has yet to forget thecatastrophe caused by the civil war in East Pakistan. And what Musharraf hasdone in Bajaur, Waziristan and Baluchistan, he will repeat in Karachi, Lahoreand Peshawar, and indeed, any place the Americans request him to strike."
"And Musharraf is the one who is seeking to change the combat doctrineof the Pakistani Army by repeating that the real danger to Pakistan is fromwithin and not foreign: i.e., he is inciting the Pakistani Army to fight itspeople and brothers and turn a blind eye to the Indian threat. And if the combatdoctrine of any army becomes corrupted, and its fighting turns into fighting forthe sake of salary and position alone, then this army will run away from thebattlefield whenever fighting breaks out."
"And how is it possible for the Pakistani officer or soldier to bepersuaded that he is defending Islam when he is the one who enabled theAmericans to kill tens of thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan, and enabled themto oust the Islamic Emirate from Kabul? And how is it possible for the Pakistaniofficer or soldier to be persuaded that he is defending the sanctity ofPakistanis when his commanders order him to kill women and children in his owncountry? And how is it possible for the Pakistani officer or soldier to bepersuaded that he is defending the honor and dignity of Pakistan when he seeshis leaders order him to carry out a new slaughter every time they are visitedby a high-ranking American official?"
"The third of these woes is Musharraf's squandering of the issue ofKashmir and his painstaking effort to dispose of it at any cost. Musharraf isthe one who strangled the Jihadi resistance against India, which led it toincrease its savagery and draw up the borders. And Musharraf is the one who madeand continues to make one concession after another in the Kashmir issue, even asIndia hasn't budged one step from its stance. And Musharraf is the one who seeksto deceive the Muslim Ummah in Pakistan by pretending to them that the problemwith India will be resolved with confidence-building measures, in order toneutralize the effort to liberate Kashmir, which is the real problem betweenPakistan and India."
"And Musharraf is the one who wars against the Arab Mujahideen and theirbrothers from all corners of the Islamic world, who represent one of the mostimportant weapons in the liberation of Kashmir, in the same way that theycontributed before to the liberation of Afghanistan from the Russians."
"And Musharraf is the one who brought American military and intelligenceforces to Kashmir under the pretext of helping the victims of the earthquake.They came in under this cover and commenced to strengthen their defenses andfortifications in order to establish permanent Crusader bases on thePakistani-Indian border."
"The fourth of these woes is Musharraf's recognition of Israel, topsychologically prepare the Pakistanis to recognize a Hindu state inKashmir."
"The fifth of these woes is his affront to Pakistani dignity andsovereignty when he gave free reign to American intelligence and investigativeagencies in Pakistan, and turned Pakistan's army and security services intohunting dogs at the service of the Crusaders."
"The sixth of these woes is his corruption of political life inPakistan. Through bribery and election fraud, Musharraf declared himselfpresident and formed a party of bribe-takers and opportunists which he providedwith a parliamentary majority, and distributed to them and the rest of hissupporters the country's treasures, which he had seized, even though he is thesame one who claimed at the beginning of his rule that he came to combat fiscalcorruption in Pakistan."
"And the West, which claims to defend democracy, was hostile toMusharraf at the outset of his rule, but later did a U-turn in admiration of himand his treachery, and indeed, today encourages him to stay in power at anymeans, after he demonstrated his aptitude for killing Muslims. Musharraf's realproblem is bribery. And Musharraf reckons that his success in procuring wealthwill only be achieved by betraying Pakistan and appeasing America and throwinghimself at its feet. But he forgets the other half of the reality, which is thatAmerica tosses its agents into the rubbish bin when there is no longer any needfor them. And were he to look across his western borders, he would see the fateof the Shah bearing witness to that, when they ordered him to leave Iran, andthen deprived him of asylum and indeed, even medical treatment, which he onlyfound with his friend the bribe-taker Anwar Sadat."
"And in keeping with Musharraf's worship of wealth and his mad dash forbribes, he tries to persuade the Pakistani people that they must take care oftheir interests without paying attention to any moral or religiousconsiderations. This is the same logic of drug dealers, white slavery gangs,spies and traitors, and the outcome of this attitude is the loss of this worldand the next. Allah the Exalted says, 'Satan threatens you with poverty and bidsyou to immorality, while Allah promises you His forgiveness and bounties, andAllah cares for all and He knows all things.' Al-Baqarah 2:268"
"I address the Pakistani people, to call on them to stand today in theranks of Islam against the Zionist/Crusader assault on the Islamic Ummah and onPakistan, and I call on them to strive in earnest to topple this bribe-taking,treacherous criminal, and to back their brothers the Mujahideen in Afghanistanwith everything they've got until they defeat the plan of the Crusaders andZionists allied with India."
"I also call the Pakistani Army's attention to the dismal fate whichawaits them in this life and the other, for the Pakistan Army has turned intoforces aligned under Bush's cross in his Crusade against Islam and Muslims, justas it has become a tool in the destruction and tearing apart of Pakistan. Letevery soldier and officer in the Pakistani Army know that Allah has threatenedanyone who allies himself with the infidels against the Muslims with a painfulpunishment. Allah the Exalted says, 'To the hypocrites give the good tidingsthat there is for them a grievous chastisement; those who take for friendsunbelievers rather than believers: is it honor they seek among them? Nay, allhonor is with Allah.' Al-Nisa 4:138-139"
"And let every soldier and officer in the Pakistani Army know thatMusharraf is throwing them into the burner of civil war in exchange for thebribes which he took from the Americans, and that he doesn't care if 10,000 or20,000 Pakistani troops are killed, as long as his pockets are full of bribes.And let them know that Musharraf has made preparations to flee abroad – wherehe has his secret accounts – upon the victory of the popular revolution."
"For this reason, I call upon every officer and soldier in the Pakistaniarmy to disobey the orders of his commanders to kill Muslims in Pakistan andAfghanistan, or otherwise he will be confronted by the Mujahideen who repelledthe British and Russians before. The Truth – Exalted is He – says, 'Say tothose who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief), their past will beforgiven. But if they return (thereto), then the examples of those (punished)before them have already preceded (as a warning). And fight them until there isno more fitnah (disbelief and polytheism) and the religion will all be for Allahalone (in the whole of the world) But if they cease (worshipping others besidesAllah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do. And if they turnaway, then know that Allah is your Maula (Patron, Lord, Protector and Supporter)– (what) an excellent Maula, and (what) an Excellent Helper.' Al-Anfal8:38-39"