

Silence Of The Deoband Lambs

While the Deoband declaration saying "there is no place for terrorism in Islam" and further decision to organize more such meetings to mobilize people against terrorism has been generally welcomed, questions remain...

Since the emergence of Taliban and particularly afterSeptember 11 attacks in New York, Darul Uloom Deoband has received considerableattention from the media and has acquired the reputation as the main source ofinspiration for Taliban brand of terrorism. The Taliban were not educated ortrained in Deoband, but in the Pakistani Madrasas where they received educationwere founded and run by Deoband alumnis.

Dr Sohail Abbas a leading Pakistani clinical psychologist inhis recently published study, titled Probing the Jihadi Mindset based onpersonal interviews of 517 Mujahideen who were arrested in Afghanistan and laterlodged in two Pakistani jails, asserts: "The figures on rural/urban Jihadisbecome even more interesting as all the jihadis, barring just a few, belonged tothe Deobandi school of thought: suggesting that even in the villages itsinfluence cannot be underrated."

In this background it was most appropriate on the part ofDeoband to take the initiative to organize a conference against terrorism anddecry violence perpetrated in the name of religion. This conference held inFebruary was attended by more than 10,000 representatives of about 5000 Madrasasfrom all over India. The conference adopted a declaration saying "there isno place for terrorism in Islam" and further decided to organize more suchmeetings to mobilize people against terrorism.

This Deoband conference against terror has elicited agenerally positive reaction. But people who claimed to know better reservedcomments. One such person when probed by me, referred to Hedaya, the famous 12thcentury compilation of Hanafi Law. He said that this book, part of Deoband'sacademic curriculum, prescribes unabashed aggressive wars as against the conceptof defensive wars in Quran. Further, he said that laws as enshrined in Hedayaare not on the statute books of any Muslim country today. Even in India, onlythe family laws of Hedaya are applicable to the extent of their being inconformity with the Constitution of India. There cannot be any objection to thestudy of Hedaya as part of the history of development of law, but Deobandteaches this book as something that is sacred and integral to religion.

After hearing this criticism, I decided to seek enlightenmentfrom Deoband through their Darul Ifta (Department responsible for issuing fatwasand responding to queries) and sent a query on their website on 22ndMarch 2008 in which, among other things, I gave following specific references ofHedaya:

"The destruction of the sword is incurred by infidels, although they be not the first aggressors, as appears from various passages in the sacred writings which are generally received to this effect." (Vol II P41)

"When the Muslims enter the enemy's country and besiege the cities or strongholds of the infidels, it is necessary to invite them to embrace the faith, because Ibn 'Abbas relates of the Prophet that he never destroyed any without previously inviting them to embrace the faith. If, therefore, they embrace the faith, it is unnecessary to war with them, because that which was the design of the war is then obtained without war. The Prophet, moreover, has said we are directed to make war upon men only until such time as they shall confess, "There is no God but one God." (P43)


After giving few more references I requested them to guide meon how to dispel the misgivings of those who suffer not from any religiousprejudice and acknowledge that Islam is a religion of peace, but who feelgenuinely concerned about the syllabus taught in Deoband. The Darul Ifta waskind enough to send me a Fatwa ID Number with an assurance that the query willbe answered but so far have refrained from giving any reply.

Arif Mohammed Khan is a former Union Minister

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